Thursday, February 04, 2010


emerge, originally uploaded by Sophie_vf.
This is what home looks like today. I see this train trestle bridge, the longest and highest of its kind in North America  the world nearly every day, but it's hardly ever wrapped in ice fog like this. It's been a strange winter. We're officially semi-desert, but this year the air has been full of ice and hoarfrost.

This is was minimally processed in Lightroom to correct exposure (camera meters seem to HATE fog) and increase contrast - but the colors are pretty true. We are living in a near-monochromatic world these days.


michele said...

oh oh oh! i'm soooooo glad you took this! i saw this yesterday morning on my drive to work and thought wow we never see the train bridge covered in fog. it was so cool. and i didn't have any film in my camera.

you did a beautiful job here.

Sophie_vf said...

thanks Michele. We've had so many eerily beautiful mornings, I'm glad I had my camera around for at least one of them.